
Showing posts from April, 2020

Loved Ones - Painting & Drawing II

Painting and Drawing II students took the time to appreciate a friend or family member, using art as another way to connect and express their love for them.  Luke P. '20 Jax J. '21 Ale G. '20 Alyssa V. '21 Charlie C. '21 Eleanor H. '21 Ida C. '21 Isiri H. '21  Jason C. '20 Luke B. '20 Sarah T. '20

Influences - Painting and Drawing I

Students took inspiration from contemporary artist Veronica De Jesus and created portraits to honor someone that has influenced them.  Mandy L. '22 Angelika M. '22 Kathryn R. '23 Tashi J. '22 Eliana D. '20 Graham W. '23  Jaden N. '21 Julia F. '20 Mollie B. '22 Keller F. '22

Upside-Down Drawings - Art Survey

In order to draw without judgment and block out the analytical side of the brain, Art Survey students replicated drawings upside-down to fully engage their visual and spatial skillset.  The drawings shown have been flipped back to orient the original way. Lily J. '23 Elana B. '23 Mayan S. '23 Max F. '23 Moss O. '23 Siena M. '23 Tristan T. '23 True B. '23 Maya M. '23 Wheeler P.

Comfort Food - Painting & Drawing

In a time of need, we all depend on our comfort foods.  Students practiced their drawing skills to admire, draw, and share some of their favorite snacks! Eliana D. '20 Julia F. '20 Kathryn R. '23 Angelika M. '22 Keller F. '22 Mandy L. '22 Mollie B. '22 Jaden N. '21 Wheeler F. '20 Tashi J. '22

Juxtaposed Collage - Painting & Drawing II

Students were asked to collect images and create a collage that juxtaposed something new with something old. Ida C. '21 Isiri H. '21 Sarah T. '20 Luke P. '20 Luke B. '20 Jason C. '20 Jax J. '21 Ale G. '20 Alyssa V. '21 Eleanor H. '21 Charlie C. '21